Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just Some Chaos

It's Saturday and work ran late, not too much in a writing mood but I do have a few story ideas in mind so stay tuned.

If I can figure out how to make a poll I will just after pressing the publish button.

So yesterday I took my Grandma down to Fremont. She moved up here 3 years ago after Grandpa went. She'd lived down there for 40+ years and hadn't seen any of her friends in well over a year so I spent the day with her visiting old friends. I love her but sometimes she scares me. She goes for the passenger seat after we're done and puts down the pillow that she normally sits on "Better put that down for added protection. I think I'm ok but sometimes I really just don't know until I get home and we don't want to leave a mess on your new car." Terrifying.

Anyway I get her back home. My Mom then calls obviously in distress. She chipped her tooth that morning and went all quiet "I just.. I just need.. help" damn near in tears. She just wanted me to pick up my sister from her nursing school who had agreed to care for her rather then going to work after class. On the ride home my sister (after grilling me for updates on any relationships I may be involved in) shared about a police scare she had last night. Her friends had gone out and got high. I assumed it was pot, and she said it wasn't, but wouldn't tell me what because I was obviously unhappy. When I did walk in to my Moms place I was initially worried because of how she sounded. Janine then said "Oh she's just stoned" Excuse me? What the hell? Turns out she's been taken vicodin all day long that my other sister gave her. They've also started smoking indoors. At first it was just on the porch, then just in their bedrooms, now it's no problem smoking in the living room. Being an asthmatic I couldn't stay long. Janine had no problem lighting a cigarette while I was there, 3 feet away. Was happy to go home.

This was way too much to learn in one afternoon. I love me family, but am I really so wrong for not wanting to go to her wedding in a month? Which will be the 1 year and 5 day mark of their first date? This particular post might just be for me venting.


  1. I have a mom who smokes too.... hard to figure.

  2. we all loathe many things about our families -- trust me -- and the wedding is only the beginning of even more fun

  3. We moved several states away from both of our families. It had reached the point where their self-inflicted dramas were impacting the mindset of our children as well as our happiness as a couple. My only regret is that we didn't make that decision years earlier.
